The funniest quotes from kids: July Tweet Roundup
These kids aged 2-7 are funny and sometimes creepy, but are all together very CUTE. “Tell me everything you know about coffins.” -Frank, age 4
These kids aged 2-7 are funny and sometimes creepy, but are all together very CUTE. “Tell me everything you know about coffins.” -Frank, age 4
Funny quotes from cute and silly kids, aged 2-6, who are seeing this world with fresh eyes. Mom, what was it like to have a pet dinosaur? -Finn, age 6
From 8 year-olds that are getting a taste of adulting to 7 year-old presidential candidates running on a “Candy Party” platform, (You’ve got my vote!) here are some of the cutest quotes from kids this month submitted to us from parents around the web.
“Mommy do you like my new sound? It’s brand new from my brain!” It’s interesting, sweetie, but why is it so loud? Here are some of the cutest quotes from kids this month submitted to us from parents around the web.
Time passes, kids grow up, and the nest empties. Writing down the funny things our kids say captures moments just like our photos do, and sometimes, like the ghosts of Christmas past reveal, even better.
What a superstar ❤️ Love this precious gem from @redyellowgreendance Buy the book
Can you believe we actually had to use soap and water? The horror 😜. Quote courtesy of the funny @itsdeenalang Soap or sanitizer though, we’re just glad they wash their hands! Submit your own funny kid quotes.
Kids do wonders for your self esteem 😳…via Jessica Sharp Brutal honesty is a (hilarious) trait of childhood. Got something funny to share? Submit your quote for a chance to be featured on our social media.
The CDC would not approve 😜 via the super funny Tasty denim, cringy germs! Come see what funny things kids said about everything from poop to arcades in the Little Quotes by Little Folks book!