Contribute to Little Quotes by Little Folks
We would love to feature guest posts on our blog that are related to the themes we focus on here at Little Quotes by Little Folks! We are interested in the following topics, but feel free to pitch us an idea of your own:
- Dive deeper into one of your kid’s quotes or your own childhood quote. Give us the backstory…we love longer form posts about Little Quotes!
- Write about a childhood memory.
- Posts about recording memories and quotes. How do you do it? Or do you wish you did?
- Are your kids grown? Reminisce with us!
We love posts that are funny, humorous, embarrassing and heartfelt. We do like to keep it clean and family friendly, so please keep that in mind!
We are unable to pay for submissions at this time, but will be able to offer Author Attribution and links. No promotional posts, please.
Are you interested? Please Contact Us and let us know what you have in mind!