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National Family Day Ideas

    ideas for national family day on a white rectangle and a black field with celebrations in red

    September 27 is National Family Day and you should celebrate! These “small t” traditions create opportunities for making positive memories. And a little effort goes a long way. We’re coming in hot with some ideas you can use to make National Family Day an easy and memorable favorite.

    Celebrating the ways your family is special can be as simple as saying those words, “Today is National Family Day and I appreciate you,” as your child heads to school. Or, tell them in the morning that dinner time is a surprise. Plan a meal around the table, turn off the electronics, and have a conversation. Once you create an opportunity, you never know what crazy, funny, thoughtful, or sweet things your children might have to say.

    Ideas for National Family Day Dinner Time Fun

    • Make your child’s favorite meal
    • Make a “silly” meal: like Breakfast For Dinner. Or, Every Food Must Be Yellow! Or, Eat With Your Fingers!
    • Plan some conversation starters (and get ready for funny responses! Because kids are funny! And they say the darndest things when you least expect it!)
    • Add balloons or bubbles
    • Take photos, including “usies”

    Remember, the point isn’t to be perfect so don’t overthink it. Pace yourself––the “real” holidays are coming for us! Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, National Donut Day…..

    National Family Day is a lighthearted way to celebrate the ordinary goodness your child depends on for stability. It’s a chance to make an otherwise-mundane Monday a little special. And, it just might result in some amazing memories.

    If you celebrate National Family Day, let us know! We’d love to see your photos or hear the funny things your kids said! We publish new quotes every day on social media. Follow @lilquotesbook on Twitter or @littlequotesbook on Instagram and Facebook for more.

    Already have a funny quote you like illustrated? We have an app for that! Get your custom digital illustrated kids’ quote and put it on anything you’d like! Makes a unique and fun gift idea too!